Saturday, January 11, 2014

The latest set of LIES

Now they have to make up names as well as the lies...
how low can you low can you go. Sing it with me....

here is the latest set of lies:

This guy that you labeled "BOOBY-BOB," he is Rivera, right?
He is, without question, a NUT JOB. I saw him talking out loud and waving fingers at his motorcycle and his dog one day last week and I think he was looking for verbal responses from both.
By the way, that was the day he was parked in a handicapped spot at the clubhouse with no handicapped placard or HP plate. A security guard approached him and Rivera told him "KISS MY ASS."
I just don't get why this guy is so adamant about getting Dorothy Tetro. Did she accidently step on his dog's tail, or what?
Could it be that Rivera does what David Israel instructs him to do, or he won't be connected with the UCO Reporter any more? Or, maybe Ed Black gives the orders to Rivera.
I felt somewhat worried for that security guard because it is understood by many people that Rivera owns guns.

I speak to my dog, yes I do. It is called communication, and obviously with someone far more intelligent than the above writer. Parked in a handicapped spot, why yes I was. I am legally entitled. If the above bonehead knew anything about the ADA, he would've kept his piehole shut. Both my vehicles have disabled plates, get new glasses.
I told a Security Guard to kiss my ass? That is a new one.  Get hearing aids.
David Israel does not instruct me on any issue. I have come to him in the past for advice on one issue or another and he has always provided sound advice, whether or not I take it may be another issue. 
The only order I have ever received from Ed Black  is a reminder to shut off my computer when I leave the Reporter.
Speak of what thou knowst, lest ye be made to look the fool. FOOL.

1 comment:

  1. Psssssssst... Hey Dummy, my dog doesn't have a tail. dumb and blind. you are really a dee dee dee.


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