Sunday, October 6, 2013

Candidate, not select

Once again the propaganda machine is hard at work. Calling Esther the Presidential Select, when in fact all she is nothing but a candidate at this point. She has been selected for nothing as of yet, she has no committee service, She so far is nothing but  a puppet for a group of people that want her to run so they can try to control her if she manages to get elected. I honestly hope that should she manage to get elected, she will see that her puppet-masters will try to get her to do things that will ruin CV.
I am currently not too pleased with what she has been saying, but of course, I believe her strings are being pulled ever so carefully, that she doesn't see it just yet.
Cut your strings Esther. Come into the light. See the brightness of a future without people that want to keep you in the 19th Century.
The 21st Century arrived 13 years ago... isn't it time to get caught up?


  1. What IS a Presidential Select, Bob? I never heard the term before.

  2. Listen Fred Sanford: I am the Prez Select! Aunt Esther.

  3. Y-y-y-yes, Ma'am, Aunt Esther! Can I get you a cup of tea?


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