Saturday, October 19, 2013


According to Olga, Freedom of speech has to fit a certain "profile". She Banned me from Gary's blog. Gee Gary, I didn't know she had so much power over you. Kinda emasculating huh?

You're probably used to it, if not, get used to it.  I 'll let that be for now.
She complains about freedom of speech, not being able to post on Dave's blog, but since he won't post on her and Gary's blog she must exert some sort of power and expel anyone that speaks against her. Of course Gary complies with mistress Olga's demands. It doesn't matter OLGA, your boy has been banning anything I had to say ANYWAY. I posted four or five other comments that were never published. No bad language, nothing worst than the crap you spew, not even close. But it is fine, yes, I do have my own blog...
here is a little exerpt of the ban statement...quite amusing..........

"I have decided to eliminate your future posting from this blog. One of the main reasons I choose to do this is because you have not contributed anything positive to this blog. The purpose of this blog has been to inform the residents of information that has been withheld from them and to give them a voice to express themselves contrary to David Israel. .Since you do not fit this profile, you are hereby BANNED. I will say to you as Mr. Israel said to me: YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BLOG, USE IT. "

ya'know what.... take a pass by my place, got a message for you. THERE IS YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH....
Go Bitch about that to whomever you care to... it is INSIDE, and no one tells me what I can or can't do INSIDE my home.
Hell, I may just put on black and blue make-up, put on a kilt, and yell FREEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!!!
don't have a pipe to put that in and smoke it? go to CVS.


  1. Now she is out to get Joy Vestal out of office or out of her position as Editor for the UCO Reporter. Lanny posted a comment expaining the differences between a story and an editorial, but, as usual, some bone is thicker in some places for some. She give her propaganda line of misdirection and it prompted me to comment on her blog the following, which of course you won't see on there because I was banned....

    Your problem is that YOU can't distinguish the difference. Joy goes out of her way to make sure bouth sides of a story are out there. You only prove that you have no knowledge of how a newspaper should be run. Joy is THE MOST QUALIFIED person in the village. Once again, you want the most qualified person out of the way. Mao and Lenin would smile at your dedication to the Marxist doctrine.////////////////////
    Now I fully expect my comment to be ignored by Olga's coven.

  2. Love it. I am banned and she posted what I said because of what I wrote above...


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.