Friday, January 24, 2014

Running amok Chapter III

In the latest installment of Running Amok, we have an association that for the past year has had a board that did whatever it wanted, spent association money without ever even having a board meeting to approve of any of the things they did.
Now, the new seal has arrived, all keys are being held hostage by the Roger the dodger.
He placed a box into the laundry room on a wall, once again, without permission or board approval. Par for the course, he still thinks he is in charge.
A notice was placed on every door imploring the residents to tell the former board to stop their childish games and turn over what needs to be turned over in order to run out board without issue.
Rodger the dodger wants to make things as difficult as possible by acting like the village idiot.
He continues to make threats of bankrupting the association, and his "big changes are coming"
His attempts to hinder the functioning of the board shall be for naught.
We will prevail and survive our little problem. After all, there are now reasonable and intelligent people on the board now with only a couple of unreasonables. The reasonable will outvote the unreasonables until they see the light.


  1. I just don't get it... why would someone do the same stupid thing after it failed the first time... It really is true...stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
    The dodger gives keys of the file cabinet to Gallagher. Problem is, they are copies. Now the locks must be re-keyed, all because of a moron that wants to make everything as difficult as possible. He has made the remark that he wants to bankrupt the association, but he can not do anything without the express written permission of two officers. He still has the seals, even though he denied it. He is obviously not a very smart person. pssst... when you lie about not having the seals, it would be a smart thing NOT to use them on a fraudulent bill you submit to Gallagher for payment. Not one, but two!!!
    As Carlos Mencia would say...Dee dee dee.... He actually submitted a bill for $125 to change his locks on his door and the second one for a clear plastic lock box mounted on a garbage piece of woodboard written all over it to call Gallagher for access... guess he doesn't realize that Gallagher is a MAINTENANCE Company NOT A BOARD MEMBER. He is trying to collect $149.95 for that...oh, and that includes the 3 man hours for $120. So $40 an hour... this sounds familiar...oh....yeah..... he wanted to charge $40 an hour for "supervising" an electrical contractor. His bill was for more than the contractor made on the job... how good would that be for the economy if everyone used this kind of stupid logic? This guy is right out of the Richard Milhouse Nixon School for I'm not a crook...

  2. Twice now this dipshit has harassed me by calling the police saying that he is the president of our association and that I have been banging on his door. I always thought that filing false police reports was against the law. This guy needs to be locked up. APRIL...PLEASE COME QUICK SO THIS ASSHOLE CAN GO BACK UP NORTH AND BE THEIR PROBLEM!!!
    He still refuses to turn over association property. He kept the original key to the file cabinets, he kept the seals, he has the keys to the washing machines. He already said he want to bankrupt the association.He has taken the quietest neighbor we have here and angered her to no end. A woman that barely said three words to anyone in the past two years to one that is very vocal about our own village idiots stupidity and harassment.
    He wants to make things difficult with the file cabinets, fine, solution: cabinets are moved into my home. He wants to access them, he must come to me and ask. locks will be changed, the bill will go to him as will the bill for the new seal. I will go to a contractor to get an estimate for the damage done by his screwing in an unauthorized lockbox into the wall. He will be responsible for the damages and painting.


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