Monday, January 27, 2014

Come out come out whoever you are.....

Is this the truth? or is it a partial truth? or is it a down and out lie?
Edwardo says about Dorothy Tetro:
"She owned two properties in Century Village, sold one of them, and she also owns property in Cypress Lakes."
Did she own two properties? maybe...just maybe not at the same time. Maybe one was her (cough) loverboys place that he put her name on , then removed a month later, only to but back on again four months later. Edwardo Lies.

"Dave conjured up a complicated scheme to use our money illegally and he did so with Black, who was in on it. But, Dorothy Tetro uncovered several things that exposed Israel's deviousness, such as moving $80,000. of our money in the middle of the night, draining accounts, all while Dorothy was on vacation, just to name one of several things that some people could even consider criminal."

If this is true, then why isn't David Israel and Ed Black behind bars? Simple...if it were true, they would be in jail.  Edwardo LIES again.

"You, Anonymous, whoever you are hiding behind this identification, need AN EDUCATION IN READING, UNDERSTANDING AND COMMON SENSE. EDUARDO"

I really love this one...definitely the pot calling the kettle black, 'cmon EDDIE DEE DEE can you sit and criticize someone that is doing what YOU DO? Only difference is, you put a false name to yours, maybe anonymous wasn't as creative with a made up name to hide his or her identity, but it amounts to the same thing, even though just about any kindergartner could figure it out... We know why you don't want to come out of the closet... if you did, you'd lose that nice place, and the one here too... and then some. I hear the eggshells cracking Eddie dee dee dee. Watch your step. either way, I dare ya... come out come out whoever you are..... 

MAYBE EDDIE DEE DEE DEE doesn't live here anymore...

We know Dorothy doesn't... oh yeah, she may park her car at Oxford, but then she get a ride from her friend to her Cypress Lakes home. psssst....hey DOT....your car doesn't constitute being domiciled in the village, just means you have a parking spot... you gotta plant your toucus there for nine months of the year... this get funnier everytime...Hope you are paying for your friend's gas at least.  

Have a great day Eddie...


  1. It's hard to read some of your blog with the dark colors, Bob. Just thought I'd mention it.

  2. not at my computer right now, but if you highlight it with your mouse, you can see it easily.


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