Sunday, December 29, 2013

Joy, Myron, Pat, David, Anitra, and Eva...WHO's NEXT???

 More Rants from our resident propagandist. Her rantings are in red and "inbetween the lines" are my personal opinion to her rantings.

Joy Vestal advises vandals to destroy a campaign banner. 
Joy does not advise ANYONE to destroy anything. She put a small story that she remembered and it was amusing. It showed how a sign that people see everyday is ignored and how a kid's prank turned out to bring the message across. It's even funnier when someone can twist it into a call for vandalism. 

 Joy Vestal and Myron Silverman, co-editors say it’s important for all residents to learn about the issues in the up-coming  UCO elections yet they refuse to print articles and letters from candidates who oppose David Israel.  – individuals with opposing views are being forced to pay for their own ads.

Again, twisting the facts. All the officers regularly have a monthly column. If they decide to place defamatory or political attacks, they too must pay for ads. 

Pat Sealander complains about Century Village becoming a slum because of a campaign banner advertising a candidate for UCO President, but I don’t hear her complaining about the dog shit on the perimeter walkways. 

 A huge banner hanging outside a window looks tacky. I am sure she will say something about my sign, as she tried before, but I have a sign INSIDE my place.
It's not on the outside looking like a giant billboard. 

 Anitra Kraus, a person who is a renter is given more space in the Reporter than an owner who has been living here more than 20 years.

I remind you Olga, of what your candidate said in a previous posting when asked if she would fire volunteers; Esther SutofskyOctober 16, 2013 at 9:18 AM
Asked and answered, Bob. No one is getting rid of any volunteers; rather there will be far more appreciation and a more pleasant atmosphere in UCO for them. We invite all volunteers to continue their highly valued service to the Village in which they live.
Apparently Olga is not aware of Esther's comment and wants to get rid of Renter Volunteers. Some of these renters do more for the village in a day than Olga does in weeks, possibly months. 
Anitra is given space on the paper because she has a regular column focusing on WiFi and computers. She has expertise on the subject of computers and volunteers that expertise for the benefit of UCO and the Reporter. Can Olga take her place? I think not, so she should shut up.

 Eva Rachesky states categorically that she was not coerced by David Israel into banning Political rallies at the pools. “It’s not recreational,”  she claims. She said she upheld that policy in Deerfield Beach and continued it here. Well, maybe it’s time we ban her from century Village – she’s not recreational either.  

Now she wants to ban Eva from the Village... Eva has done a fantastic job and for Olga to make such a STUPID comment, well, IT IS Olga... 

 The Reporter states that it does not print anonymous letters, yet they printed an anonymous letter which only they thought was funny.   - I’m not laughing

I thought is was funny and made a valid point.

BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT and more BULLSHIT! Read it in the UCO Reporter.

No, no, no... BULLSHIT is read on YOUR blog.
Your list keeps getting longer and longer... You and your friends once made statements about my owning a weapon. I understand you got your carry permit. With your latest rants, maybe WE should be worried? 

Have a Happy New Year.


  1. Bob, you truly need to be ashamed of yourself and your crude and inane comments as well as your bad tastes in jokes, with lies about being a born again Christian. I doubt others will think it funny either. You are turning out to be one of David Israel's Manchurian Candidates. Too bad.

  2. Esther, you say I should be ashamed? Crude and inane comments? Have you read the things you post? Or do you have a ghost writer posting for you? If that is the case, you need to fire her/him. Now you have the nerve to question MY religion? I have not questioned yours, but since you want to open that door, I was always taught that honorable Jewish people do not work on the Sabbath, but I understand you have campaigned on a Saturday... Don't question my faith les you are ready to have yours questioned.
    As My savior said, Let he without sin cast the first stone...
    I will not go further into the religion guantlet you are trying to throw down, this isn't about religion, it is about the Village and what is best for it, and sorry for your new friend, but Olga IS NOT IT. While I have tried to maintain civility towards you, you are making it difficult to do so.

  3. So I guess your apologies to me, Eduardo and Olga were not said in truth. I am not questioning your religion or beliefs, not do I know where you ever got that., just if the apologies were said in truth. Then I checked this blog and you were on a tear against Olga so what gives? That is, in essence, my question to you and is said or asked in all civility and with a great deal of confusion as to exactly what you mean and where you stand. How can you state that you have discovered the real truth about David Israel and Ed Black and then come out all gung ho on this blog against Olga, who by the way, is one of the most honest people I have ever met. She knows no games or subterfuges - she says it as she calls it.
    By the by, there are honorable Jewish people who maintain different levels of observances and I do not judge people by their religion, type, degree of observance or lack of religion for that matter. People are people and thus are entitled to be treated as such, with respect, with kindness and compassion. And by the way, my words are my own and the only name calling is from David Israel and his army of Manchurian candidates, deeply brainwashed as in calling me a piece of s***** and also, by the way, if you ever have a wish to discuss religion, as in a comparative course, I have no problem.
    And I hope the truce we have remains in effect. I still do have hope that one day you will see the truth in these matters concerning UCO and its current administrator.

  4. I see the truth for what it is, As long as you have a nutjob like Olga raising non-issues like renters that volunteer in your corner, we'll remain at opposite sides of the room. Your people keep bringing up what they think are my medical issues, and I do have some medical issues, but I have doctors that I see. They obviously cannot afford the same, or they would be seeing a doctor, or better yet a psychiatrist for their very out of control issues.
    You say you don't judge people by their religion, yet you said "...with lies about being a born again Christian." Sounds like a judgement there.
    I beleive that it is you that will be surprised when you realize who you are 'in bed with'. Honestly, you might have had a chance, but when you tied yourself to people like Olga, you totally blew it. She does more harm to any candidate than good, including herself. She needs to get into The Time Tunnel and travel back to the sixties where she belongs. Power to the people!!!


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.