Sunday, December 1, 2013


Never ceasing to amaze, Olga has published her "list of bigots". Her Ignorance and hatred has really gone into overdrive. Just because she and Gary "sanction" every post on their blog, they assume that Israel has to sanction every post on his. They criticized me in the past for being against anonymus posters, yet here she is calling "concerned unit owner" of being a bigot and "chicken drek for remaining anonymus". So which way is it Olga? You are a Hypocrite. Your picture must be next to it's definition in the dictionary.

You call people on your list various names, including "ignoramus, chicken drek, trouble maker, fool, shameless chicken drek, coward, dimwit and bold liar". You accuse one of "trying to be a member of the IN crowd", another of putting "her two cents into everything" and another of "standing on a cliff not knowing which way to jump".
 Plain and simple...Olga, you are small. Very very small. I really do pity you, but I have pity for all dumb animals. 


  1. Olga only tells the truth which is more than you people do,
    You should be ashamed of yourselves for telling such lies about her. It is all of you who are the real liars.

  2. Joe, you poor delusional man, her propaganda has obviously got through to you. Please tell me what lies Have I said? I'd be interested to know since I consider myself an honest person. Everything listed above is documented on the other blog and direct quotes are used. She is a narcissist as clearly shown in the January issue of the Reporter... I want, I want, I want... she wants to remove renters that volunteer in UCO... HOW STUPID IS THAT? I applaud renters willing to give their time and effort to UCO.


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.