Saturday, December 21, 2013

Upcoming recall

Once again, Olga rears her ugly head and spews garbage. Now she is complaining about the upcoming recall of Dorothy Tetro. Olga says "Her crime was to sell her apartment, purchase a home in Cypress Lakes and purchase another one in Century Village with her inamorata." 
Well of course, but of course Olga twists it slightly to deceive. She fails to mention, she sold her place, and was added to "her inamorata's" property in November of 2012, then taken off that same property a month later, then added a second time in April of 2013, so let's see... that's December, January, February, March, and April... four or five months depending on how you look at it, that Dorothy DID NOT OWN OR LIVE IN CENTURY VILLAGE!!! A clear violation of the current by laws for a UCO officer that is required to be domiciled in the village for NINE months of the year. 
This of course does not count whatever time there was between the time she sold her place and the time her "inamorata" placed her on his property that they may own but do not live in. Sure they may say they live there, they can park a car there every night, but they do not stay there nine months of the year. They are not fooling anyone but the fools that ignorantly say, Oh, she lives there... 
Yes Olga, it is perfectly legal to own as many properties as you can afford, but when you live in one and only have the other to try to deceive people in order to keep a non-paying job handling millions, makes it a bit suspicious, especially when suspicion is being placed on others by you and your brood... (now I have Elvis singing Suspicious lies reeling in my head...LOL)
As for not running next year, it is because she is not eligible.
I suggest you read the documents in the following link, pay close attention to dates, and addresses. open each document and READ do know how to read, now let's see how good you comprehend...


  1. You people are dumb. Dorothy T is eligible to run again because she owns in the village. Get a real life Bob you are so stupid.

  2. Coward, for your information, ownership alone is not does NOT qualify a person to run for office. You HAVE TO BE DOMICILED IN THE VILLAGE for nine months of the year... SHE does not qualify as she lives in CYPRESS LAKES. If you had the slightest bit of common sense, you would look up the documents at the PAPA site:
    look at the documents and READ them. you will find that she was put on the property owned by her boyfriend in November, Edwardo and taken off one month later in December...she is put back on again in April, leaving a gap that automatically disqualifies her for office, plus if you look closer, you will notice the address change. Obviously I am not the STUPID one, you are. Check your facts before you open your pie hole again. If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.