Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hurt my feelings why don't you....NOT!

My oh my, banned AGAIN from the say what you want as long as it agrees with us blog!!!
Third time... they keep banning me, and banning me, but truth be known, they can't get their heads out of their own rear ends long enough to see that they are such LIARS.

ewardo sounds like a little third grade bully that can't even be a bully right... he was probably an abused child. I think his little banter really is the way he s-s-s-stutters through life. But then If I had to wake up next to what he does, I'd not only stutter...I'd be armless from chewing it off. (that's called coyote ugly there boss).

As for Olga banning me AGAIN for the third time... DUH. I never heard you UNban me the first or second time. admit it Olga, you just don't have the capacity to talk. You are nothing but an overgrown, outdated, asinine jerk that cries if she doesn't get her way. I predict a lot of crying for you over the next few years. Good Luck with that, and if you need, I may be able to get you a discount on tissues.

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