Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Next Chapter of Association Running Amok

Well now we've had our annual meeting, Our illustrious (now former) President makes a speech about moving out and selling his place and gave a bunch of reasons that conflict with the others he has told around, but who cares...he turns everything over to his buddy, Roger the dodger. Point of order made, the Vice Pres. should be taking over the meeting, and she, as usual, turns it over to someone else. This time to Mr. Gallager. The treasury report commences and is interrupted by the dodger to lay out his plans to recover almost four thousand in legal fees. Money that was spent to send letters to myself and the former treasurer.
He makes his comments, shuffles a bunch of papers in his hand, gets up and proceeds to walk out while declaring himself president.
Seven people asked to be on the board, all seven are now on the board. of the previous board, four are gone, two (the two that were coerced to run) in homes, one moved, and one dropped out.
We have always elected officers following the annual meeting with the exception of last year, and now are told we have to post a board meeting before electing officers. It is posted. So and so doesn't want so and so in their home and vice versa. Meeting set for my home.
Time for the meeting, and we ask a guest to sit in, because of the animosity going on.
Meeting is recorded on video. Many things get cleared up, many rumors and lies put to rest. elections are held, officers are chosen, results are posted on the board.
One of the things put out right away, the board will meet EVERY MONTH, before Delegate Assembly meetings. Time will be convenient for those that work, agenda will be published.
Notice is put out with the results to have all keys and seals turned over to an officer.
the former secretary tells, he turned the seal over to the former president, whom we were told turned them over to Roger...
I knock on his door to ask for the seals, his wife answers and starts to tell her husband that I am at the door, where he proceed like a raving madman yelling "GO AWAY, I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!!" he then tells his wife to call 911. I ask for the seal. and met with "I'M CALLING 911!"... so I wait for the police to arrive....half hour later, no police. So I go upstairs, talk with another Board officer then leave to run an errand. An hour later, while at Office Depot Parking lot, my phone starts to blow up with calls.
"Why are there police BANGING on your door?" "What is going on?" and from the other board officer I spoke with just before leaving "you must be special to have two cars here" referring to the two Sheriffs cars.
I told them I was on my way. I get home, no one is here. So I called the Sheriffs non emergency line and speak to the dispatcher and she asked if I would like an officer to come by, I said sure, maybe we could get this cleared up.
An officer knocks on my door, and I explain the situation, and what preceded all this. I asked for a report to be made to get it on record.
He spoke with Roger, who proceeded to lie to the officer. Made accusations that were untrue and denied having the seals.
Results so far: He wants the seals, he can have them. New ones are being made that will require a signature ON THE SEAL. Insurance, Banks, Mgnt Co, and lawyers all have been or will be notified that he has NO AUTHORITY to conduct ANY business for the condo association without the signature of at least TWO Officers.
Guess that is what they call making a bull into a steer.


  1. Sounds like a typical harmonious Century Village association meeting . . . . Did I miss the part when the guns were drawn?

  2. No but the part when I knocked the dodgers door to ask for the seals and keys that I was told were given to him and was met by his obedient servant otherwise known as his wife, and before she could complete a sentence started by "It's Bob asking for.." the screaming madman yelling at the door as it slams "Get away from here, I don't want you coming here, I'll call the cops!" I stated calmly, "I just want the seals, can I please have them?" He screams to his wife to call 911. I said fine and waited for the next half hour for the police to arrive. They did not. so I went to run an errand.
    An hour later, as I get to Office Depot, My phone is suddenly blowing up with calls from my neighbors. "Why are there policemen banging on your door?" "You must really rate, there are two police cars here looking for you" and another call while I was riding back. I could not hear what was said but told him would be there in a minute.
    I get back only to find that the police had already left. Feeling somewhat disappointed, I spoke with another association officer and called the police non emergency number. I told the dispatcher, I understood that there were officers here to speak to me and I had just missed them. I explained the situation further and an officer was dispatched to file a report. After speaking to the officer, he spoke with another association officer and then went to try to speak with dodger. Poor officer, you could tell by the look on his face that he knew he had just had a meeting with someone seemingly unstable.
    I actually felt sorry for the office as he had to listen to lies about someone coming into his house with fictitious keys and making themselves at home before a board meeting. As the days and months pass, the story changes. I can only guess that next month it will change again, only this time maybe his wife was assaulted, or maybe he was. only time will tell which way his story will go.
    Bottom line...Any authority to make changes with any accounts, to use the seals, to spend any association funds, file insurance claims, or cause expense to the association with the association lawyer have been intercepted. He is a member of the board and can participate and vote like any other member should he choose to do so, but he can not do anything to represent our association without written approval of two officers until further notice.
    He has allegedly mentioned to an owner that he plans on bankrupting our association to recover the four thousand than he and our former president spent on legal fees to send letters to the former and now Treasurer and myself.
    And all that done WITHOUT Board meetings or approval. Sound like something illegal? I am pretty sure it is, and I am sure the lawyers may wish to pursue the matter further.
    All in all, it has been an interesting weekend has it not? Y'all have a nice day.


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