Saturday, February 7, 2015

Nomination Comedy Show

The Budget has passed, hooray for that!
I have to admit, I did not care for Howard's "Because Felt like it" remark when asked a question. It was rude and somewhat disrespectful to the person asking the question. While I understand the frustration of everyone and their mother questioning not only your motives, but your professionalism, I felt his manner of answer was uncalled for.
Nominations from the floor was almost comical. Of the fourteen names put in for nomination, only two were not known "malcontents". They had their list in hand and nominated their candidates each stumbling over each other to second the other, looked like the Keystone cops chasing the microphone as if it were a burglar . I guess if they can stack the executive board (which by the way Mr. Grossman, is the Board of directors) they will try to clog up the business of the village.
Three names were thrown in for Vice President. Barbara Cornish, Ed Black, and John Gluzack. I would back either of the first two, but the third is not a great choice. last time he won by default.
The other candidates were taken from the list provided by the "malcontents" that were soundly defeated last election.

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