Tuesday, February 9, 2016
This was my answer to the lies on the other blog who think they know how things are run at the Reporter. I left there almost a year ago and am so tired of seeing the utter nonsense being spread by Olga and her friends. My suggestion to her would be to speak to her former spy and get info on how things run at the office of the Reporter before twisting it into her lies and making unsubstantiated accusations about Joy Vestal or any other person that works or worked in the Reporter. Just because you write some crap on the toilet paper you cALL THE MESSanger, does not mean you have a clue on how to run a paper. Stick to the toilet, it suits you much better
this is the answer I put on their blog, word for word. I put it here only because Olga has a habit of deleting anything I say on Gary's or should I say her blog.
What kind of drivel are you spouting now? That Joy Vestal has anything to do with your association not getting the Reporter? How many lies can you make up? If you are not getting your copy of the Reporter, the only one you need to speak with is your maintenance people. That's right, the paper is picked up by each associations maintenance company, i.e. Seacrest, Gallager, etc...
Your accusations are faceless lies. Grow up already. You are definitely what this Village does not need. Now or ever! Anyone that votes for you is a fool. Print this you self righteous egomanic.
Pity those poor advertisers who do not get their money's worth.