Sunday, February 14, 2016

More on the nonsense from Olga's accusations on the Reporter

Once again, Olga is trying to blame the people at the Reporter for her not getting her copy of the paper she hates but can't seem to put down.
Makes you wonder, should Phyliss Richland win the election, will we have to endure Olga's insanity in the paper every month?
Just a little background, here is my answer to her accusing the cam and before that Joy Vestal of not delivering her Reporter and below Olga's response, my further response to her. I print it here only because my responses are not always welcomed or printed, although if Gary sees it first, it usually does.
  1. So, now the CAM is telling someone not to deliver to Northampton R? First Joy, now Don. I am not the one making false accusations Gary. The Cam made a statement that some areas needed to get some more papers. Nothing was said of how the distribution is made, and I know for a fact that it is distributed by the maintenance companies and not the CAM. Like Joe Friday always says..."Just the facts". 
  2. Bob, you say the maintenance companies are distributing the newspapers, if so, pray tell how does a store more than 2 miles away get the latest issue of the Reporter to use for wrapping paper while my building has yet to receive any papers?
    It is the responsibility of the Reporter to see that every building gets papers BEFORE they are distributed to outside vendors.
    It's only fair. 

While at the Reporter, we started getting the paper out to some of the store and restaraunts on the outside as a courtesy. Some requested it as they were advertising. The deliveries inside the village have been handled by the maintainence companies such as galleger and seacrest.  If you didn't get yours, ask them before you make false accusations and lies. As for you wrapping paper line, I seriously have doubts about that tall tale. Even so, at least it's better than the people that take five or six copies to selfishly collect coupons with considering the other residents. Have you checked with the residents of your building?
Just to be crystal clear and give you something else to bitch at, this is how it works:
The maintenance companies agree to to deliver the papers every month, and of course this takes time and money from them, so the Reporter provides advertising IN EXHANGE for delivering the paper. Why would a maintenance company risk not delivering only to your building and risk a scandal? Of course it is convenient for YOU to say that someone YOU oppose did it. Foolish nonsense. Par for the course.

Now we wait and see if it gets published. Note to Phyliss  ,
I would hope you know that even though I do not agree with the crowd you have chosen to affiliate with, I do hold YOU and your service to UCO in very high regard as I do with David.
I do not know if you will win this election or not, but if you do, and you have Olga have anything to do with the Reporter, I can almost guarantee, you won't get a second term.

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