Thursday, July 2, 2015


Term Limits again? Why are the so-called malcontents always so riled up for term limits? Term limits are right in front of their faces every time you go to the polls. Every time! They keep yelling for term limits and the delegates shut them down. Is it not obvious that Most agree? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Are there problems at UCO? Of course there are, but why not try offering solutions instead of causing more problems? Stupid lawsuits or Throwing everyone out of UCO and starting from scratch isn't a solution. Not likely. There aren't enough experienced people for that to happen. They say "term limits curb the potential for monopoly"... Well let's get off the Milton-Bradley Express Circuit come back to reality.
We are a village, not state nor a nation. Our village president serves a two year term, not a four year term as in our national office. If you don't want someone in office, don't vote for them. THAT is term limit. you can limit a person to a single term, as some of our national presidents, i.e. Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush. found out the hard way.
If the delegates vote for a candidate, then that is the will of the people. If your delegate didn't vote the way you wanted, then you need to take that up with your delegate and get a delegate that votes for their association.

We have much more pressing issues than the "I don't like David Israel" faction..
We have a MAJOR problem with Associations that "Don't care what's going on in the village, as long as I'm not affected". Let me tell you, YOU WILL BE AFFECTED.  When Century Village, a 55 and over community becomes Century Village Homeless Hotel located in sunny Western West Palm Beach, a slum for one and all... When crime starts to rise, and you begin to wonder, why didn't UCO do something about screening the criminal element coming in and out of the village?(Which by the way, is the job of the Association) You will start to wonder, "Why are my property values so much lower than what I paid to live here? Then you will begin to wonder why you have to sell below market value at bargain basement prices to the greedy developers trying to call themselves benevolent by renting to the homeless while they collect their $900-$1200 a month from the city or state. Money coming out of YOUR Taxes!!! No, they won't care that you will be forced to sell to some crooked developer for pennies on the dollar for what you paid.
What will you do? What will Mr. & Ms. Century Village do now? Become a shut-in? Worry when you want to go to the pool? Will you be afraid when you get accosted at the clubhouse, or on a bus on the way to Publix to get some groceries? Or will you just give up and sell at a loss and become the burden on your kids that you said you would never be? All because you don't care what happens unless it affects you...
Wake up my friends, it is going to affect you. Some more than others, but it WILL affect you ALL!

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