Saturday, September 26, 2015

$8000 for a mural on the indoor pool?

Have all senses been lost? Why would anyone pay EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS to paint a pretty picture at the bottom of a pool?
Reasons to Have it:
1. it's pretty
2. .....
well, let's move on to reasons NOT to have it:
1. It is a waste of money, especially in a time where there is so much argument about wasted funds
2. It can become a hazard. Think about someone drowning and not being seen until it is too late because the colors of the mural camouflaged the person in the water, and we all know, our vision in the village is not the best, as the frequent passing of the stop signs would suggest.
3. it would benefit the residents to take that money and put a sidewalk into Duck island's dock (which in my opinion was also a waste of money, but if your gonna do it, do it right)
Eight thousand dollars? Hell, We have artists in the village that would probably do it for a song and a bottle of wine.


  1. Hi Bob,
    I agree, just one point, the mural is planned for the wall.
    I offered to pose for a "boy on a dolphin" scene, but was rejected.

    Dave Israel

  2. Rather than spend so much money, why not ask for volunteers to paint it...We have a lot of talent in the village...


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