Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Do they just read the first couple of lines?

They must. maybe their attention span is so small, maybe I should write smaller paragraphs so they can understand.
And idiots like Robert make comments without reading what he talks about at all. I better stop here so they can understand this...
or before they forget... dementia... it's a bitch.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sadie was absent from the Reporter

Yes, Sadie was very absent from the UCO Reporter this month, with reason.
As long as they carry my name on their staff, (and I have asked it to be removed) I can not submit letters to the editor, I can only write "an opinion piece".
As much as I would like to write an piece stating my opinions on some of the ridiculous crapola that has been going on, I really can not. It would then be subject to editing, or being told it would not run because of fear of offending one or more people, no matter how truthful the article is.
I can not in good conscience write a piece that will not reflect my true opinion.
The same goes for Sadie's World. There have been times when my cartoon was a bit controversial even for The Reporter and it was redone.  Only once has it been pulled without my prior knowledge because of fear that someone may be offended. and Frankly, it was probably one of the best.
I will continue to support The Reporter and it's editors Joy Vestal and Myron Silverman, even when we don't always see eye to eye.
It is with that in mind that I take particular offense that someone with absolutely no prior experience in any media other than YouTube will criticize people with 40 or 50 something years of REAL EXPERIENCE in the real world of newspapers and printing.
When he can prove he has half as much experience, then his opinion might mean something other than a bitter renter that is mad at Ed Black for curbing his use of UCO property for his own profit.

The continuing saga of the ones that think they know what's best... but have NO CLUE!

This is a continuation of the feces spread around by Neil Moore, the village renter that is constantly attacking UCO and WPRF and the people that run it.  

It's obvious that the UCO Reporter is getting desperate. It looks like they are $13,000.00 in the red and the year has just started. Qualified and motivated volunteers were dismissed when they indicated the slightest opposition or criticism of the current administration. The same thing happened with channel 63 . It's apparent that both of these media outlets have been crippled by the unreasonable and discriminatory behavior of the people in charge. Now that they are unable to draw on the talents of residents who offered their services for free, the only recourse for them to continue is to bring in outside help which we all pay for. From a business perspective there are only two options unless we are willing to pour good money after bad., either close it down or clean house and start over with new blood. The second option may not be a viable alternative if the new blood continue to follow the dictates of Ed Black and David Israel and continue to maintain total control that caters to their whims at the expense of the residents. Ed Black has demonstrated his control over the activities of the Reporter time and time again. David Israel is either powerless or afraid to rein him in.I say it's time to clean house. 

Boy for someone who has never done anything in the paper, you think you know a lot about it. (keyword:THINK). First off, Ed Black has nothing to do with the paper other than contacting the IT person that services the computers. You have no clue of the operations of the paper or it's finances or UCO's by-laws. This is obvious since you think we (and by we, I do mean the OWNERS of units in Century Village) should shut down the paper, and take the best editors it has ever had, people with close to a hundred years combined experience

 You have a lot of people fooled. Just as you tried to fool people on 63. Your hatred of Ed Black stems from being denied use of the camera when you lost a piece and didn't replace it and when they found out you were using UCO property for your own profit with your commercial ventures. So please, just stop your nonsense and crawl back into the hole you came out of.

Saturday, April 25, 2015



Friday, April 24, 2015

Where Oh Where are the Guards?

Yep, when he’s not napping he “guards” the place.
Hide them here,
Hide them there
Do not fear!
We have security cameras!
   So sayeth: The Scarlet Pimpernel

There is no such thing as perfect security.  The problem is that security and surveillance can claim unlimited powers  and operate with unlimited secrecy and no accountability. 

Just a thought, knowing that the Haverhill fence is near its shelf life, why has UCO not addressed this sooner.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The following  taken from Gary's Blog...or is it Olga's?

Under the direction of Joy vestal and co-editor Myron Silverman, the UCO Reporter has lost its purpose.  The UCO bylaws state: the intent of the UCO Reporter is to keep the unit owners informed on matters of common interest. This is no longer the case. . They have now become a venue to reap as much money as they can from advertisers to seduce CV residents to purchase and use services they do not need or are interested in.  Before this, deadly duo entered the Reporter domain, the UCO Reporter was a means providing pertinent information to its readers. It has now become a newspaper of page turning pictures.   We can no longer depend on gaining any valuable information or any knowledge to advance our thinking; opinions contrary to the present administration are banned. The  absence of a UCO reporter  at the recent  Town Hall meeting of the Messenger Club which sponsored former County Commisioner Jess Santamaria and Inspector General John Carey shows  us how clearly the reporter is intellectually starving our residents. The main topic of the meeting was perpetuity in relation to the development of the golf course. More than 200 residents attended yet no one from the UCO reporter was there to cover this important event.   Now the UCO Reporter asked and the Officers have voted to approve funding $975.00 per month to hire an AD WORKFLOW COORDINATOR to increase AD revenue. They claim they need the money to keep the reporter from becoming another Penny saver, really? What do they think the UCO Reporter filled with ads will become; a Penny saver, of course.   


  1. While I worked at the UCO Reporterfor several years, I do remember hearing Joy Vestal say" We do not have enough articles written and I do not want this to become a "Pennysaver:" Well guess what if they hire someone to keep looking for ads for our paper and they do not have enough editorial because the co-editor Joy Vestal will only print one side of a story and won't print the other side, then isn't that going to be a Pennysave with more and more ads! Or even maybe they will fill the paper with pictures who knows, maybe the shadow.. Folks, we cannot win with these people in office.
  2. Here is MY REPLY:
  3.    Joy ALWAYS complained about the the paper becoming a Pennysaver. You have heard it and so has everyone else in that office. I have also made the same complaint! 
  4. Marilyn, you and I know that Joy has been more than fair for a long time, and printed both sides of a story, that is until someone comes into the office and threatens her and calls her a "f*cking c*nt". Personally, in her position, I wouldn't accept ANYTHING from that person either.
  5. As for the Reporter not covering the Messanger Club, they made it VERY CLEAR long ago, that the Reporter was not welcomed in their meetings, especially me. Whenever I came to one of their meetings with a camera or video, I was told I could not take pictures nor video their meetings. So their complaint that it was not covered is totally invalid.
  6. Once again....