Monday, April 7, 2014

Rodney just might have been right...and I'm not talking Dangerfield.

In a conversation with someone that happens to be a fairly new renter, he made some observations that really puts Century Village in a bad light. He stated that he moved in not realizing how political our village has become. The hostilities between the two sides has made it clear that he will move once his lease is up and would NEVER consider buying here.
That is the consequence of the childish stupidity of these constant battles. The constant knives thrown at it other. Rodney King was made a punchline on the late night talk show circuit after his "Why can't we all just get along?" comment. Punchline or not, the words ring true. Why CAN'T we all just get along?
All this hostility just because one personality doesn't like another.
Get a grip. try to put the personalities aside and do something that the village needs. Work together.
Stop the frivolous lawsuits, stop the childish rhetoric, extend an olive branch instead of a knife.
If you can't, then maybe you should consider finding an alternative living situation, because it won't get better until you do.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, I responded to this on the other blog, and copied in your posting. You are more than welcome to copy my response here onto your blog. Your words can give one an iota of hope, but that hope is flickering as there are too many deaf ears and stone hearts and huge egos out there. And between all that, our Village is suffering.


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.