Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Enough is ENOUGH already!

I have been purposely keeping quiet since the elections, hoping that people would start getting along and all the hostility would be a thing of the past, BUT NO...
Some people (Gary) can't take the high road. Now HE says he believes the election was run crookedly.
Gary, each side had observers at the count. This was probably the most scrutinized election in the history of Century Village, and you still can't admit when a loss is a loss.
I could understand if YOU were running for office and had some doubt, but it wasn't even that close!
Gary, grow up, get over it, before someone starts to think you are nothing but a bitter old man that has nothing better to do. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Your candidates lost. Nobody likes a sore loser, and from what I have seen, most of the people that have lost have done so graciously, showing some class.
Get over it already.
This village needs some peace, not someone to stir the pot just to make some controversy.
This last election was a bitter one. It's over. Let the village heal. MOVE FORWARD towards the future.


  1. Bob, it is not a question of being a sore loser. It is simply a question of having free access to information that is a right, not only if someone desires to allow you. David , here, is using the same stalling tactics and non transparent policies that he used with the funneling of money in and out of accounts and what he did with Dorothy, etc., etc., etc.If Olga or Gary or whomever wants to see the sheets he/she has every right to do so. There is no money involved or any problems. Just allow the access and allow questions or concerns or analyses to be done and finished. Even the federal government has a Freedom of Information Act and must disclose most documents when asked to do so. One cannot prepare for the future without understanding what happened in the past. It is called understanding and improving - what is so wrong with that? I can see nothing wrong and if the opposite situation were true I would see nothing wrong in letting my opponent see the requested information. What is so secret about it? That is what is making this drag on for so long. Give over the access to it and let it be done. And Bob, don't call Gary names. He is a wonderful man with concern for the Village and if he has a request, we should honor it. In Hebrew there is a saying, stand when your elders enter, meaning show them honor and respect, give them a seat, etc. Gary is older than you and simply by that he has earned a modicum of respect by all. It is the same thing as when I said that Bob Marshall should be allowed to retire in peace and quiet, not be asked to be a showpiece and tool of others. I did not call him names.We owe respect to all simply because they are human, unless they have destroyed that right by awful behavior.

  2. Esther, first, thank you for your response, Second, as stated, no one likes a sore loser. Also as stated above, most have taken the loss with some dignity which I have total respect for. Having someone that ran for office and question the outcome I can understand, especially if it is close. Key words of that statement, "someone that ran". You and the candidates have every right to ask for a review of the count, as would Olga, or anyone that ran for office. I do not question that. Gary, however, did not run for office, therefore I question his right to ask for anything. I am not by any means trying to call him or anyone names, and I did not do so. I merely suggested that he grows up and stop the nonsense before someone starts to think of him as a bitter old man with nothing better to do. Merely a suggestion. If you took it differently, then I am sorry for your interpretation. I just want this Village to stop the nonsense, heal the wounds and MOVE FORWARD.
    End the negativity from the past year and try to work together rather than against each other. Is that too much to ask? If it is, then please feel free to come to meetings, join committees, and try working within the system.
    You did something during the campaign that I honestly did not think would happen. You gain my respect. I did not agree with some of the things said by you, but we did come to a mutual "agree to disagree". I will stand by that, as I hope you will.
    To Gary, I am sorry if you were offended by my suggestion, however, I will stand by what I said. Respect just because a person is older can only go so far, Real Respect is something that is earned, by your actions, by your demeanor, by the way you treat your fellow man.

  3. I agree with you Bob. WE started out after the Election with the mantra "let there be peace". The Esther asked to see the Election paper work, he right under Florid's Sunshine laws. So what happen? Israel refused and then got sarcastic, with the comment" I wonder what she wants". So Israel want to keep us the recriminations and so we do.

  4. It kinda gets my goat when I say something and it gets twisted into something else. I was misquoted and what I said turned into something completely derogatory. It was not meant to be derogatory and take offense to my content being turned and twisted into seemly hateful prose. Peaceful discussion is what I would rather see. I would rather get away from the hateful remarks. yeah, I understand that some of you do not like David, some even seem to hate him. I consider that your problem. You insist on letting your hatred for one person get in the way of doing good for the village, then it's probably something you should be discussing with a psychiatrist. Reasonable people eventually find reasonable solutions for problems. Let's try to be reasonable. Don't take what I say and twist it to suit your own agenda. Take it for what it is meant to say, not what you want it to sound like.
    I have shown many people my copy and the responses and every single person said "that's not what you said!" Maybe reading comprehension is not a strong suit for some, or they are looking for the conspiracy in everything. To this I say, stop the conspiracy theory dialog. It makes you look very foolish.


Feel free to say what you want, just try to be civil and sign your name. Say it, claim it, or I may delete it.