Saturday, November 16, 2013

Smell the coffee.

Things have seemed to quiet down a bit, but I am sure it is just the calm before the storm. Strategies are being formed, words being twisted to bend towards whatever favors the people saying it.
CV has turned into our own little congress of democrats and republicans fighting for whatever they deem right or wrong. Inundate the public with enough propaganda and maybe they will start to believe it.
The hatred some people have for one or two people in office has blinded them to the things that are good for the village. They talk about Israel's want for a legacy and that would be wifi, not realizing that his legacy was already made when he digitized UCO's records.
Numerous hours were put into that job. But they criticize the hours put in by the president. Ignorant  people accuse home of sitting on his computer and spying on us. Yes, I said ignorant, because only an ignorant person would say those things. Time to grow up and face facts. Get off of  whatever they're smoking and smell the coffee. You're not in Kansas anymore...
To our friends and neighbors from the north, welcome back.


  1. I agree, Bob. Many times thing ARE what they appear to be, and I believe this is one of them. Dave is hard-working for good cause and the betterment of the Village in MANY ways. And you are right, his legacy was already well made long before before Wi-Fi became an issue. It's bad enough to make major issues out of minor things, but to conjure up conspiracies and dastardly intentions out of nothing is reprehensible. Dave is not a perfect person, but who among us is? (Stand up, please!) I think these ultra-fierce critics of Dave should be ashamed, and I think a result of their uncalled-for vehemence is that they are losing credibility.

  2. comment by idiotic anonymous writer has been deleted. It was of no value to anyone except him or herself.
    Have a nice day. Don't drink and drive.


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