Thursday, July 28, 2011

Golf Course Development

Although I haven't lived in Century Village very long, I have been visiting my mother, a long time resident for years. Now that I am a resident, I wanted to get involved. I immediately involved myself with the UCO Reporter using my Graphic Arts background and now design some of the ads that run in the paper.
I have sat in on some meetings, and gather facts (for myself) and I am surprised at the opposition of a few people for the development of the Golf Course.
I found that quite a few have signed petitions just to avoid "rocking the boat" with these few.
I was appalled  when censorship of the Reporter was attempted. Are we living in Nazi Germany now? Please! This country was founded with freedoms written into our Constitution, and one of them was the freedom of speech. To try to Censor the paper, takes that freedom away.
The bottom line, as I see it, is that the property is privately owned. While the opposition to the development may slow down the development for a short time, the fact that they will have to come to terms with is that eventually they will lose. The County of Palm Beach will rezone the property. Why? The answer is simple. Revenue.
  The county would lose out on millions in revenue in the form of taxes. property taxes, taxes on businesses.
Not to mention the property values will rise for Century Village residents. It only makes sense to not waste money on lawyer fees and such just to put off the inevitable.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, this was the first post written after being here for about a month and a half. It is how I felt then, and although I do not like the way they are conducting their business, I still feel we are trying to fight a losing battle. Better to try to get some kind of compromise than waste time and money fighting it. Sorry if you don't agree...just my opinion.


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