Saturday, May 4, 2024

cconrats Kelly

 Election is over, the people have spoken. Many did not know that I had taken myself out of the election.   For the reasons stated in my previous posting, which by the way, was exactly what I sent to UCO. In this day and age where you can sign your life away for a mortgage, a car, etc... but UCO wants a signed piece of paper ... ridiculous.  

Donald said that I had to put it in writing and it would not change the paper ballot to clicker. Money was spent to hire someone to count the votes... I remember when volunteers would count the votes and nothing was spent except the cost of the paper and some ink. A lot of money (OUR Money) was spent by the previous president for a system that has BARELY been used. In the Navy, something like that fall under what is generally known as fraud, waste and abuse. money spent for an election that did not need to be spent. Something to think about....

I endorsed Kelly  when I bowed out. He and I had spoken prior to the earlier election. He knew that I thought he needed to get into UCO in a different capacity other than President. I told him he needed to get a little experience on how UCO functions. He did. He won and I am very glad. Not just for him, but for Century Village. He is going to be a great leader in this village. something this village is sadly lacking.

He will get some experience, and as the Recording Secretary even though he is obligated to take minutes at only four meeting during the month, he can sit in on EVERY Meeting and really get to know what UCO REALLY is.  

Kelly, congrats on the win and good luck over the next few years.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Withdrawl from Election

Attention Century Village: 

As of this date, 23rd of April, 2024, I, Bob Rivera, am withdrawing from the upcoming election for the following reasons:

1. My recent election as Commander of Disabled Veterans of America Chapter 42, will take up much of my spare time servicing our Disabled Veterans in Southern Florida.

2. By withdrawing, the village will not have to pay an outside service to hold the election and we can use the clickers that Our former President spent thousands of dollars for. It makes no sense to spend that much of our money and let it go to waste by spending even more to have "beancounters" with paper ballots that will take half thee afternoon before results are published. We paid for the clickers, let's use them.

3. I refuse to be used (as our previous President did) just to draw some votes away from others just so the prefered candidate is assured a win. I cannot in good conscience continue with a practice that will deny a volunteer the needed experience for the job of working at UCO. Although I did not believe Kelly Jannsen was ready for the position as President, I do believe he would benefit with a term as Recording Secretary. This would be a good Training period for his education in the running and functions of UCO and his chance to learn and understand the by-laws. UCO's function is negotiating contracts for the village, not to hash out each petty squabble in each association.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Using Designated Reserves

 I have always understood that a designated reserve I.E. Roof Reserve, Could only be used for whatever it is designated for ONLY. 

I strongly OBJECT to the Roof Reserve of $800,000 over for WPRF Clubhouse  being taken to pay for the "shortfall" from the reserves already being taken to pay for WPRF's HVAC project. Just so you know, What we have in the Roof Reserve will not cover the over $900,000 needed to cover what IS needed to be in the Reserve. We already have a "shortfall", and they want to take from a DESIGNATED RESERVE to cover another ""SHORTFALL". 

I would think that it should go before the delegates and have it be understood that IF a hurricane should hit this or next year, that would means getting another "Special assessment" (another because we will most likely get one of $72 or more because of the Shortfall).

I would urge you to call your Sector Vice President and tell them your dissatisfaction with this. 

the number for the UCO office is 561-683-9189.

Vice Presidents are:

Dom Garnagia, Fausto Fabbro, Patricia Caputo and Stuart Richland.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Chicken in the village

First wild ducks, not really a problem as we doo get them out when the population becomes a little overwhelming, same for the iguanas... now we have the newest addition..."free-range chickens". apparently no one is claiming them. In a place like a CONDO, which Century Village happens to be, there are usually rules about pets and what type of pet you may own if they allow them.

I do not know of, nor ever heard of any condo allowing CHICKENS, pig, peacocks, full size horses, mules, burros or asses, although the latter is frequently overlooked.

My suggestion would be someone catching these so called "free range chickens and let's have a nice BBQ.

Come on people, a little common sense goes a long way. If you own these so called free range birds, take them and get them and find them a  nice little farm to run around in, otherwise I have room in my pot and some pretty good recipes I've been wanting to try out.

I am going on a vacation, going to see the kids/grandkids. I've asked David Israel, our President to keep me in the loop and asked that someone facetime or zoom me. I've been assured it will be done.

I look forward to these meetings via zoom or facetime

until my return, Peace be with you.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Thank you Century Village WPB

 No matter which way the election turns out tomorrow, I want to thank the residents of CVWPB for their trust and support.

I have and will always do what I believe is best for our village, and will continue to fight for what I feel is best. We have a few battle in front of us, and I promise to continue to represent CVWPB to the best of my ability, whether or not it means I have to bump heads with my fellow officers and the management of the village.

Management, to me, is one of the big issues that needs to be dealt with and FIXED. The Millenial Contract needs to be thrown out and rewritten in order to give US, the owners and residents a lot more say in how things should be run and not have management look at us as a CASH COW any longer. I understand the system or concept of making a profit for management, but not with such greed as to make an unconscionable contract making us pay for everything that a landlord should be paying for. We should not be paying for the replacement of the Air Conditioners, it is a part of the building and thus should be replaced by Management. We should not be paying for repairs, the A/C does not belong to us. Maintenance of the a/c should be a split cost and not our total responsibility. Let me remind you, that If we all get together and fight this heinous contract and win, we could cut the budget by millions and STILL put enough into reserves to redo the roads, install proper sidewalks and be able to purchase the some of the missed opportunities of the past if we all wanted to, such as the clubhouse or the golf course or other things that may come up in the future. 

All Security contracts in the Village are paid BY US, WPRF pays for their contract with funds provided BY US, therefore there should no longer be two separate contracts with different pay scales for each. It should be ONE contract, with rotating positions and the guards should be paid the same, taking the longevity/seniority of guards in account as far as the pay scale goes. One overall Supervisor and two assistants with longevity taken into account.

The Medical Building has become quite the issue of late. UCO, the Executive Board have voted and are against the proposed zoning changes to allow a place of worship, two pools and a reduction in parking spaces at the Medical Building. I feel the Delegate Assembly will also be against it, and need to speak out by sending a resolution to the county voicing their dissatisfaction with it. Remind them that they are Elected to their positions and can easily be replaced.

Once again, I thank you for your support and pray that you heed my words. Let's make this the Best Place to Live Hand down.

Bob Rivera, USN Ret.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Common Courtesy is now creepy...

 What a world we live in... it seems having common courtesy is now "creepy". 

Just so you know, when a person is in a crosswalk in the State of Florida, they actually have the right of way. 

Today, coming through the gate at Haverhill, I stopped for someone on a bike to let them cross. I waved the person on to go and cross, and was greeted with a bunch of F bombs as I waved this foul mouthed person on. Apparently this person considers common courtesy as creepy. 

Poor misguided and unmannered child. (It was nowhere near a child by the way.) I guess that is what this world has to look forward to. No common courtesy, no manners, no couth at all.

Remember folks, You deserve to be treated as you treat others, so treat others with a little common courtesy and respect. 

As the great Paul Harvey used to say... Good Day...

Thursday, January 20, 2022