Saturday, May 4, 2024

cconrats Kelly

 Election is over, the people have spoken. Many did not know that I had taken myself out of the election.   For the reasons stated in my previous posting, which by the way, was exactly what I sent to UCO. In this day and age where you can sign your life away for a mortgage, a car, etc... but UCO wants a signed piece of paper ... ridiculous.  

Donald said that I had to put it in writing and it would not change the paper ballot to clicker. Money was spent to hire someone to count the votes... I remember when volunteers would count the votes and nothing was spent except the cost of the paper and some ink. A lot of money (OUR Money) was spent by the previous president for a system that has BARELY been used. In the Navy, something like that fall under what is generally known as fraud, waste and abuse. money spent for an election that did not need to be spent. Something to think about....

I endorsed Kelly  when I bowed out. He and I had spoken prior to the earlier election. He knew that I thought he needed to get into UCO in a different capacity other than President. I told him he needed to get a little experience on how UCO functions. He did. He won and I am very glad. Not just for him, but for Century Village. He is going to be a great leader in this village. something this village is sadly lacking.

He will get some experience, and as the Recording Secretary even though he is obligated to take minutes at only four meeting during the month, he can sit in on EVERY Meeting and really get to know what UCO REALLY is.  

Kelly, congrats on the win and good luck over the next few years.

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