Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Common Courtesy is now creepy...

 What a world we live in... it seems having common courtesy is now "creepy". 

Just so you know, when a person is in a crosswalk in the State of Florida, they actually have the right of way. 

Today, coming through the gate at Haverhill, I stopped for someone on a bike to let them cross. I waved the person on to go and cross, and was greeted with a bunch of F bombs as I waved this foul mouthed person on. Apparently this person considers common courtesy as creepy. 

Poor misguided and unmannered child. (It was nowhere near a child by the way.) I guess that is what this world has to look forward to. No common courtesy, no manners, no couth at all.

Remember folks, You deserve to be treated as you treat others, so treat others with a little common courtesy and respect. 

As the great Paul Harvey used to say... Good Day...

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