Delegate Assembly January 7, 2022
0900 Meeting called to order. 142 Delegates signed in. Quorum present.
Major Matino leads Pledge of Allegiance.
Law Enforcement Report:
Traffic: 17 citations, 27 written warnings, 7 accidents, 1 Hit and Run.
Activity: 231 calls, 52 cases, Fraud 3 knew they had fraudulent calls (organized Fraud) 2 people
arrested by long term undercovers, credit report check by victim noticed fraudulent load on
account, called and taken care of, Victim defrauded by fake paypal caller, sent $20,000 then
immediately called bank to cancel transaction, victim did not have paypal account.
4 bicycle thefts, one was $2500 electric. Write down serial #’s and save receipt. 2 cases of
Question on Mask policy. WPRF policy is it is Voluntary. UCO requires masks for UCO Building
and Delegate Assembly.
Minutes for December 2021 accepted as presented.
President Report:
A group of Orthodox have Incorporated and purchased the Medical Building with intention of
creating a Synagogue, have filed paperwork with the county. They are having a closed meeting
for applied variances, entitlements and rights. According to Richard Handelsman’s research, the
building is 31,800 sq. ft., 16,200 Sq. ft. for Medical and Dental, 6000 Sq. ft. for Office, 3,600 for
Worship, 1000 sq. ft. Each for Adult Day Care, Personal Services and Bank.
Neils from Commissioner Weiss’s office is willing to hold a zoom meeting but asks that
questions be submitted ahead of time. There are three levels of approval, DRO, Zoning
Commission and County Commissioners.
Former Commissioner Burdick inquires about Landscaping.
Comments via e-mails buses too big, buses too noisy.
Treas.- Report: Proxy Signatures still needed, 232 is the number needed to move forward, we
have broken the 200 mark. This is VERY Important big increases are in store for the owners if
your Association has not signed it. Talk to you Association, get your President to sign and it
gives US the power to renegotiate the whole lease and eliminate the arbitration loss and also
eliminate the second arbitration for the 3 plus million-dollar cost of the HVAC at the clubhouse.
Insurance has gone up drastically, new cost gone up materially allocate different premiums for
those associations not taking care of their buildings.
Problem with allocation, one line item that has not been seen before is contribution for
Reserves (presently a little over $10 million). It was previously in General Expenses, it is nowon
it’s own line item.
YTD we are under budget. Any questions, feel free to come into UCO and speak directly with the
Recording Sec.-Treasurer pretty much covered everything with proxy signatures, putting out a
call for volunteers to help out at UCO. Stated concerns over WPRF closing on Christmas. It needs to be addressed also management. Changes needed with
Security contracts. They need to be merged, UCO and WPRF. One company for the whole
David Boas, VP- Correction about the band for the cancelled New Year’s Eve Party, we did have
to pay for the band as they did not have time to get another job for the date. All other
performers have been very obliging.
One of the jobs I do is look at stacks of invoices and scan them into the system. Occasionally
make suggestions for change of vendors and they are at times taken. Sent an email to Eva,
Monica and Dan, RE: Charges of relocation of Cenrec offices. Cenrec billed UCO $1973.00.
E-mail sent: (Normally I would not include in minutes)
I recently came across this invoice from DSL Express for WPRF fro a total of $1973.00 for the
relocation of Administrative and ID Office in the CV Main Clubhouse. I know relocation is
necessary due to the renovations to MCH A/C. I know strictly speaking, your interpretation of
the lease would say that we, the residents, have to pay for this. In my opinion, it takes a lot of
hard bark to ask the residents to pay for this so Cenrec can continue business as usual at no
expense to themselves. I know we are at odds on the lease issue, but fair is fair. Management
should’ve gladly paid for this and any other related to this issue. I find that $1975 isn’t s whole
lot of money, but what does it take to move from one side of the building to the other? Once again, it’s we that have to pay. Management isn’t willing or able to pick up any share. We are
paying them to charge us. To me it’s not fair.
Monica has not replied and I have not heard anything of what Cenrec’s position on this.
This is another classic example of telling everyone here that haven’t gotten on the proxies with
the millennial agreement that it’s time for us to do that…if you haven’t signed, please do so…
The President agrees.
Ken Graff states that Eva has purchased 2 iPads for $1900
Fausto Fabbro, VP- Comments on upcoming elections. Be sure to vote for people that will do
the job. Make sure officers in your building will be there to take care of issues.
Don Foster, CAM- Mentioned earlier subject brought up on landscaping and what is being done.
Mentioned importance of classes for Board Members and officers. (classes will be listed on the
blog as they become available.)Becker will most likely conduct the classes.
Discontinuation of NewsMAX on ABB discussed. NewsMAX is available for free on YouTube.
It was replaced by Paramount channel.
AirBnB was discussed. When found, association will be made aware and Call in privilages will be
Sidewalks by Med Bldg discussed. Sidewalk on UCO property is scheduled to be replaced in near
Ruth Dreiss, UCO Reporter Editor- gives report on Reporter. Made $35K on ads this past year,
expenses covered by ads.
Neils from Commissioner Weiss’ office- Discussed Covid home test kits. Suggests going online
and order on Amazon as kits may not be available from County.
Broadband may be strung on FPL light posts so children will have high speed internet access.
Sound barriers on Turnpike discussed briefly.
Pat Willhite Rep discussed district lines will know more in March. Sound Barriers can be
discussed in their office. Rep Willhite discussed Step therapy. Deals with Meds. If your doctor
prescribes a med, and your insurance won’t cover it, and an alternate is given med a, if it does
not work, they give you med b, if that doesn’t work you will get what the doctor originally
prescribed. You can look up all bills on
Did you know that in Florida, if a company does not to accept cash, you can be turned away?
A bill to make them accept cash is in the house. to get his newsletter.
Rodney County Clerk Office. Raised pay for office employees. Clerks office is hiring. Minimum
wage is $15.
Resident aggravated that over half of the delegates don’t bother to come to DA. States $20
more a month would be a hardship.
Committee Reports.
Bobbi Levin- calls for volunteers, asked for people to run for office. Feb 4 th nominations from
the floor. After Feb 4 th DA the photographer will be in lobby for pics of people running for office.
Good and Welfare
Residents asks of Medical Building on Landscaping issue and parking.
Resident airs concern of what units are being “destroyed” pools in units, jack hammering, etc.
Reminder, each association has documents
Resident questions reserves, Millennial agreement and distrust of UCO.
Death of resident in Hastings and need for merging Security Guards discussed.
Quadrant meetings by VPs suggested by Marilyn Gordetzer.
Resident believes DOR approval may the as far as it goes for the purchasers of the medical
Concerning the religious land use and institutionalized persons act. There are “outs”.
Fundamental change to the village may be an out, there are two synagogues within walking
distance, a conservative and a orthodox. It is the county’s job to
Resident wanted to put in an instant hot water heater, discussion followed. Concern about the
precedent of having a religious facility within the village. Discussion follows.
Mr. Handelsman states he has looked at the proposal for reducing the parking spaces at the
medical building is to accommodate two pools (mikvas) that they want to add.
Resident complains that there are too many renters and too many investors making it hard to
get a board.
Motion to adjourn
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert C. Rivera, USN Ret.
UCO Secretary