Monday, October 12, 2020

To STOP or NOT TO STOP, that is the question....

Whether tis nobler to obey the laws of the land

or does thou purse be so weighty that you wish to throw thou coin to the dust...

I will soon be posting a four minute and 12 second video where I sat in a bench and watched the traffic at one of the very few stop signs on the perimeter Road and of the 38 cars in that short time, 4 I did not see if they stopped, 12 DID come to a complete stop, and 22, YES TWENTY TWO DID NOT STOP! At least 4 barely slowed down when they completely ran the sign. One ran the sign, saw me video recording and stopped in the middle of the intersection!

What does it take to wake people up in this village? Is $167 not enough? Do you have so much money that you can afford a few tickets a week?

I have two simple solutions to this, actually three. 


2nd... and I get a lot of opposition to this with my fellow officers, do whatever is necessary to install SPEED TABLES throughout the village, preferably at most of the major crosswalks especially at the ones at stop signed intersections.

3rd... If you feel you have so much money that you don't care about paying for tickets, then why don't you donate the extra money you have to charity. Get a ticket, match it with a donation to a charity...My choice would be Paws4Liberty, Inc. in Lake Worth.

At least then you can help get service dogs for returning servicemen and women with disabilities.

Here is the video link as promised just copy and paste:

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