Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Thank you

I would like to express my Thanks to Jerry and Esther Sotofsky for their comments to me at yesterdays Rita Rudner show. They told me they saw my original post on the Village Blog and how much they appreciated it and then it disappeared and reappeared changed.
I normally do not mind editing done on my writing, and understand that some may have misunderstood what I was trying to get across.
I was trying to point out that there is an unsafe practice happening in the village. It so happens that it increases vastly during Shabbot when members of the Aitz Chiam Congregation are walking to and from Temple.
Jerry, a former President of the Congregation, thanked me for the posting and told me he has it posted there. They are even making a poster to remind members not to walk on the streets.
I was so happy to see that Jerry and Esther totally understood what was meant when I posted it. That it was not meant to be harmful in anyway whatsoever, and only as a matter for the safety and well being of our neighbors.
On another subject, I would like to commend Esther and let her know that she has the support of many with her recent diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease. I wish you good luck and good health.

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