Thursday, December 1, 2016

Posted on CV Blog. Respond was great but there's more!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sidewalks or street, life or death?

Before someone get killed or injured, Let everyone know, sidewalks are for walking and even riding bicycles, STREETS are FOR MOTOR VEHICLES!!!!
Lately, too many people are walking in the street with their backs to oncoming traffic and dressed in dark clothing.
Does someone need to die before anyone says anything about this?
This is not just a resident problem, it is caretakers and visitors also. three or four times, I have seen people walking along the street talking on their cellphones while having their back to traffic.
IF YOU SEE THIS HAPPENING, BLOW YOUR HORN AT THEM, maybe then they'll get the hint.


  1. Hi all,

    I would suggest that horn blowing is not the best approach.
    We must all be considerate and careful for each other.

    Dave Israel


    1. Walking in the street at night is being considerate? Will you be saying that when someone gets hit? I believe if that unfortunate situation occurs, the Village will get sued by the driver and the intellectually deficient person or their family (if they do not survive). Then and only then will something be done. It will be Operation CYA all over again, as it has become with the fishing situation. It will be too late and someone in the village, or their family will move out to the beach at the expense of the rest of the villagers.
    2. Post signs that say "Warning Walking on Roads is Done at Your Own Risk." That will cover the village, and maybe the driver a bit. 
    3. We don't need signs saying the obvious. Everyone knows that you run the risk of getting hit if you walk on the road. These people know enough not to walk on the road outside the village. Just honk at them and don't move over the line into oncoming traffic. They will move.
    4. The signs are for the litigious residents. Can't sue if it is conspicuously posted. 
  2. Bob is mentioning something that has bugged me for some time now. People walking in the street--on both sides of the road--seemingly without regard to traffic. Don't know what is going on with them--mental confusion, don't give a damn, whatever. But it is a hazard. In some defense of street walking, we do not have a decent sidewalk system in the village. Levy and other original developers here skimped on that amenity--and we all suffer with that now. 
  3. What's the problem with these people? I walk around the village all the time and always stay on the walkway. Sounds like these walkers are just too lazy to cross to the other side that has a walkway. I drive and this does create a problem for us especially at night. It also is a problem during the day when you turn the corners and get a surprise seeing someone walking on the road. I agree with you Bob, this is definitely an accident waiting to happen. Signs should be posted.
  4. What are the signs going to say? "Walk on the sidewalks where there are sidewalks"? Or "Walk on sidewalk if there is one on either side of road"?


    1. Exactly, until funds can be raised to correct the sidewalk situation. I also think crosswalks on curves are a problem.
  5. Our Village is already known for having an overabundance of signs. Do you all really think we should add all these signs to the mix? We'd have to have these signs on virtually every road, wouldn't we? And not just one sign per road, but one every so many feet, I imagine. We would then be "Sign City" for sure! I can imagine Frank Cerabino's column in the Post when he got wind of this!
  6. Hi Lanny,
    Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs
    Blocking' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
    Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign
    Dave Israel


    1. Cassius:
      "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
      But in our street signs, that we are underlings."

      Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)revised.
  7. As for getting in legal hot water and being sued for not having the signs, don't you think a judge would take into consideration what other developments do—that is, what is the norm among communities such as ours? I've made no study of this, but other communities must have some streets with no sidewalk or a sidewalk on only one side. I've never seen a raft of signs in these communities saying to walk on the sidewalk—especially a sign saying "if there is one on either side"!

    I like the poems, but I will have to brush up on my Shakespeare to catch the import of your version, Peter. All I remember was that Brutus and Cassius were in league, and that "yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look."

    I have seen the recent increase in people walking on the roads and agree, especially in the case of the perimeter road, it is dangerous. I would be for an educational campaign. Educational campaigns can work, but they usually require time to take hold. Notify residents prominently in the Reporter, on this blog, in e-mails sent to those who get them, at delegates meetings, with perhaps a sign in the UCO lobby, and on Channel 63. Taking these educational steps would surely also help mitigate the Village's responsibility.
  8. Agreed education, Bring back John Sapponaro's reminder boxes all over the Reporter. WALK - WITH FLASHLIGHT AFTER DARK, WALK- ON THE SIDEWALKS, NOT ROAD.


    1. Hi Elaine. Nice to have you on Part One of the blog! I had forgotten about John's reminder boxes in the Reporter. Seems like a good idea.
    2. Hi Elaine,

      Good idea, where is John S?
      He receives and reads all of my IFIs.

      Dave Israel
  9. Our patrols could give a written friendly warning to offenders:" Dear ???????? We are concerned with your safety. Walking on roads were sometimes the eye sight and reflexes of drivers are not at their best, is a present and real danger. Please use sidewalks or the side of the road."


    1. Hi Desirade,
      Yes!, a lot better than horn blowing.
      Dave Israel
  10. How about when the police come in to give speeding tickets, they should drive around and if they see anyone walking on the road give them a ticket for jay walking. I believe there is a jay walking law.
  11. Grace, that would be hard to do. We have jay walkers all over the village. I guess this is something we have to live with like any other complex. I don't think Century Village can be sued for people jay walking. They choose to do this at their own risk and they should be accountable for their own lives. They know it is wrong. As far as the signs, I take it back. We have enough signs.

    Bob RiveraDecember 10:10PM
    Yes there is More. The problem with people walking on the streets is bad enough, making them worst by having some really daredevil type that do it at night IN DARK CLOTHING just to make it a bit of a challenge. NowHow about slightly changing the subject from the walkers to the drivers, yes the drivers, many of whom should not be on the road anymore. The drivers that see the BIG RED sign with big letters on then in white, you know....STOP... Clear as can be, but still get ignored and have com close if not already caused some accidents here in the village. Those same people that see the STOP sign as a nuisance and just ignore them. Never mind that they have come close to hitting other cars or pedestrians,not paying attention because they haven't mastered the art of doing more than one thing at a time. And there are the ones that have retired from business, from most everything except the one thing they REALLY need to retire...their drivers' license. Reality check people....some of you need to turn the keys over to someone else and start taking the bus provided for you around the village. aIt one of the amenities we pay for, start using it.face it, if you have no clue when you need to stop, you need to give up the key. For the sake of yourself,for the sake of your family and for the sake of everyone living here in the village...GIVE IT UP. It's hard to face up to the fact that reflexes are slllooowwweerr, the mind take a little long to process things, you make even forget some harm, non at at, unless you zip thru that stop sign and hit someone, whether he or she be another driver of pedestrian, or heaven forbid a visiting grandchild.

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