Todays Finance Meeting was quick... a little too quick for some.
The so-called malcontents are pleased with the idea of WiFi going away, but is it?
For the moment, the proposed
budget has the money that was collected and designated for WIFI going into the reserve funds to make up for a shortfall that our previous treasurers failed to account for.
Mind you, it can't all be blamed on them, the Delegates DID VOTE and create said shortfall.
Oh everyone is saying they want to save a dime here or a nickel there, but when it comes right down to brass tacks, cutting Wifi off the budget and moving the money DESIGNATED for WIFI is going to do nothing for the property values of this village.
Whenever someone looks into buying here, one of the first questions asked is concerning the wifi capabilities of the village.
It should be view as an amenity just as the buses, the clubhouse, the pools, the shows and movies. These are some of the things that attract people to the village. WiFi is just another thing that will attract newcomers and raise the property values.
Many of you paid dearly to live here, then the property values bottomed out. Well, now that they are on the rise again, wouldn't you want more bang for your buck? I do.
I don't want the village to stay behind the times. Those that do, are just foolish.
The so-called malcontents are leading the way to foolishness. Just because WiFi has the name David Israel attached to it, they want to get rid of it. They are letting their hatred of one person get in the way of progress.
That money was collected for the purposes of WIFI and should remain so.
If the so called solution is to wire each building as some claim to work for them, then the monies for wifi should be applied to doing just that. Of course it is beneficial to comcast if everyone takes that route, because in the long run, THEY make money hand over foot on top of what they already get from us.
Whatever is done, the wifi money NEEDS to stay in wifi. That is what the delegate assembly voted for.
What's to say that later on something is voted on by the assembly designated for something else and because of some other foolishness someone decides to take that money and use it for something else?